Full program details & costs, with admission requirements.
- 23rd Dec, 2022- 29th Dec, 2022
- 17:30 PM-21:33 PM
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Event overview
What we're about
Dear Students, we invite you all to register for a free online information session from one of the best university in Australia. You can receive special information about the PhD. Session is ll about
How to successfully lodge a PhD application
How to attain scholarships
The best time to apply for PhD program
Why Engineering at Curtin University?
- Ranked top 2 for mineral and mining engineering
- Included in the top 100 universities in the world for Civil and Structural Engineering
- Extensive industry exposure
- Flexible course with academic support option
- Internationally recognized degree
Other Events
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Get in touch
Please drop your Inquiry here.
To start consultation and admission, kindly fill up the form , one of our advisers will contact you via email in less than 24 hours